Wednesday, January 5, 2011

An Update on Mouse Poops

Mr. Terminator came to the office a week or two ago and put some poison under my desk.  From that point forward I didn't see any poops or evidence of mice on my desk or in my drawers.


Today I had to get into my bottom drawer and look through some files for an office committee.

This is what I found:

My boss made a joke about them being chocolate sprinkles.
Here's a close up of that book in the back of the drawer:

Ew ew ew ew ew.

Look at how many poops there are! WTH? SO MANY POOPS.  They were not there right after the poison was placed under my desk, so they're pretty recent.

It's disgusting.  I'm so grossed out.  Everyone in my office came over and had a looksee at the poopers.

Now we're all going to get Hantavirus.

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